Olli the Cat

Have you seen our cat, Olli? It was her birthday yesterday and she turned the nice middle-aged number of 9. We've had her since she was 8 months old. She had been hand-reared as her mom had been a bit of a selfish bitch and wanted to party and go on dates and such after she was born. So she was kinda awkward in that she didn't know how to 'cat' very well. To be honest, she still doesn't. Bathing consists of licking one paw over and over (the rest is left to us). She will only eat one type of food. She doesn't chase things. Her poop sometimes chases her, though. Her meow sounds like a cockroach scratching out a hole. She doesn't sit on laps or like being picked up. She likes an occasional stroking but only on her terms and that means a butting of the head until you actually touch her. Hands are gross apparently. But doesn't seem to think that all the eye juice she leaves everywhere is gross (it's a flat face cat thing). She has such a funny personality and is such a big part of our household now. Despite her quirkiness and uncat-likeness, she has the patience of a saint and has no problem with us balancing stuff on her head. <3


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