This view. I mean, seriously. Over time I'll show you the rest of it. Our view is 320 degrees of wow. The remaining 40 degrees are hedge. I guess you can't have it all. :P
The quirky neighbourhood or Ruzafa in Valencia is full of these grand old balconied and facaded buildings, often right alongside run-down blocks of 60's flats. At street level you'll find shoemakers next door to boutique stores, 100 year old fruit shops next door to tattoo shops, cafe tables with gatherings of old men smoking cigars and drinking beer for breakfast, while next door bunned hipsters sip on creamy cappuccinos and Instagram their poached eggs on avo toast.
Have you seen our cat, Olli? It was her birthday yesterday and she turned the nice middle-aged number of 9. We've had her since she was 8 months old. She had been hand-reared as her mom had been a bit of a selfish bitch and wanted to party and go on dates and such after she was born. So she was kinda awkward in that she didn't know how to 'cat' very well. To be honest, she still doesn't. Bathing consists of licking one paw over and over (the rest is left to us). She will only eat one type of food. She doesn't chase things. Her poop sometimes chases her, though. Her meow sounds like a cockroach scratching out a hole. She doesn't sit on laps or like being picked up. She likes an occasional stroking but only on her terms and that means a butting of the head until you actually touch her. Hands are gross apparently. But doesn't seem to think that all the eye juice she leaves everywhere is gross (it's a flat face cat thing). She has such a funny personal...
We popped over to Madrid this weekend - I say 'popped' because it literally felt that easy because we caught the high speed train from Valencia, which took an hour and a half at speeds of 250-300 kmph. I loved it! I'm not a huge fan of flying, not to mention the airport faff on both sides, so this was perfect for me. Of course we tried out the buffet cart! We met up with friends and family there, so it was a busy weekend socialising rather than seeing the sites, so not much to show picture-wise, but we did manage to sneak off to a flamenco show one night. Wow! Such passion and intensity! It was the highlight of my trip. Unfortunately we weren't allowed to video, and the lighting was very low so the photos are terrible. But... I have my memories!